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更新时间:2024-10-08 市场部经理


  • 公司规模:50—99人
  • 公司性质:私营企业
  • 所属行业:装饰·幕墙
  • 所在地区:广东-广州市


专业要求: 市场营销 学历要求: 本科 薪酬要求: 面议
工作地点: 广东 - 广州市 工作年限: 不限 外语要求: 熟练
招聘人数: 1人 年龄要求: 30 - 45 有效期限: 长期有效
  • 1、本科以上学历,五年以上建材营销经验
    2、熟悉ISO9001、 ISO14001,熟悉建材检验报告流程
  •         由香港力同国际控股(集团)有限公司投资控股、意大利Prometal 公司全面技术合作而成立的广州倍安捷建筑材料科技有限公司,是一家专业设计、生产、销售:金属屋面系统、金属幕墙系统、室内吊顶天花、电热融雪系统、太阳能光电系统的现代化企业。倍安捷公司的系列产品极具性价比和实用性能,兼具美观、防水、隔音、隔热、吸声、防潮等多项功能,广泛应用于:机场航站楼、高铁车站、体育馆、展览馆等大型公共建筑工程。
    Prometal Spa公司总部设于意大利威尼斯,专业从事:金属屋面、墙面维护、吊顶天花、室内外幕墙、个性化项目设计与生产。作为亨特·道格拉斯的长期合作者,Prometal公司凭出众的设计与加工能力,已经成为意大利以及全球市场上行业先进技术的领导者!

       Guangzhou B&G Building Materials Tech Co., Ltd, was invested by Hong Kong Litong Int’l (Group) Co., Ltd. with strong technical support by Prometal Spa who comes from Italy. B&G company is a modern enterprise, who produces professionally metal roofing system, metal curtain wall system, indoor suspended ceiling, snowmelt system by electric-heated, solar energy photoelectricity system. The products have high cost performance and practicability, also possess multi-functions like artistic, waterproof, noise resistance, heat resistance, noise obsorbing, moistureproof, etc., and were widely used for the large public building projects, such as airport terminals, high-speed railway stations, gymnasium, exhibition constructions, etc.
    HongKong Litong Int’l Holdings (Group) Ltd. is a large-scale diversified enterprise by integrating industry, trading, investment, importation and exportation. It invested to set up 21 enterprises,8 industry zones in China mainland, 2 over-seas factories, which makes Litong Group as one of biggest aluminium processing and color coated aluminium enterprise in China. The annual output and sales volume is reach 1 million. Some enterprises of Litong Group were awarded many honourable certificates, which are “High-Tech Enterprise”, “Countrywide Famous Brand of Building Material”, “ Market Acknowledged Brand”, “ Quality-Honest, Advanced Demonstration Enterprise”, etc. All of Litong’s Enterprises get certificates of ISO9001 and ISO14001.
    Litong Group and Prometal from Italy cooperated friendly, to develop Chinese market and international market. The headquarter of Prometal is located in Venice, Italy. It makes any kind of modular standard or special suspended ceiling panels, tiles ceiling panels and external wall cladding, even for the most complex and personalized project issues. As a long term cooperator of Hunter Douglas, Prometal has been a national and international technology and market protagonist by their perfect designs and strict production control.



  • 职位名称 公司名称 工作地点 更新日期 操作
  • 策划经理 浙江富和置业有限公司 浙江-杭州市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓
  • 策划主管 浙江富和置业有限公司 浙江-杭州市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓
  • 销售助理 福建共荣建筑装饰工程有限公司 福建-泉州市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓
  • 市场部经理 广州倍安捷建筑材料科技有限公司 广东-广州市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓
  • 业务经理(若干名) 江苏省华厦工程项目管理有限公司 江苏-南京市 2024/10/8 展开 ↓


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